Morning Safari
We had to get up very early for the morning safari in Entabeni. It was freezing cold. The morning drive was promising, we saw a lot of animals : 2 young lions that unfortunately were playing with plastic, a herd of elephants, an ibex, wildebeest and warthogs.

We also were told a little fact. The tail of the hippo works like toilet paper…everything is sprinkled around with a splash :-).

Last afternoon safari in Entabeni
In the afternoon, we had another safari. This time we saw cheetah cubs, hippos, hyena, jackal, impalas and much more. We also had the pleasure to meet a lion that came quite close. It was less than a few meters. So we stopped breathing and prayed that nobody would make noise :-)). But it was the max.

While it became more dark, we were stuck on a mountain because the car that came up had a flat tire. The ranger went to help and in the meantime the rest of the beers and wine from the sundowner were cracked.

The drive took a lot longer than anticipated and we were starving. The food was again quite simple but very tasty. We liked everything so the scales were probably going to go in the wrong direction.
After dinner, we packed our bags since we had to get up very early the next morning because we had to leave at 7am. Our journey would continue towards the border with Botswana where we would be picked up by our next tented camp. We were hoping that we would see the leopards there.
Entabeni and the Wildside Tented Camp was great… but it was time to say goodbye…
Just a quick note : In the meantime I have learned from the Tripadvisor forum that only Kingfisher, Ravenside and Lakeside lodges are open (the upper escarpment)… no longer the Wildside Tented Camp…