Capuchin Monkeys at Manuel Antonio National Park

Manuel Antonio National Park, Paradise Exists !

View of the beach from the restaurant balcony of Parador Resort & Spa
View of the beach from the restaurant balcony of Parador Resort & Spa

On our way to Manuel Antonio National Park

It was really a pity that we had to leave Monteverde, but our time in Costa Rica was limited and we wanted to see 4 different area’s this time. While waiting for our transfer, we saw again 4 toucans from our balcony together with a lot of other birds. This was really so great, it already made my day ! When looking at the weather forecast for the next destination, Manuel Antonio National Park, it became clear that we had to have a lot of luck to see the sun because there was 100% chance of getting rain.

Our last toucan in Monteverde
Our last toucan in Monteverde

It was a very long drive to Manuel Antonio National Park. We had booked a room in the Parador Resort & Spa, a lovely place. The bugs came to meet us straight upon our arrival as well as capuchin monkeys, a colourful macaw (parrot) and iguana’s. We decided first to eat something before going for a walk on the monkey trail. The view from the restaurant balcony was great !

View from the restaurant balcony of Parador Resort & Spa
View from the restaurant balcony of Parador Resort & Spa

Discovering the surroundings

The afternoon was not too bad, the rain held back until the evening but then it really started pouring out. We were unable to figure out where all the water was going. It had been raining for 3 hours straight. Unbelievable!

Koen going for a swim at the wild beach
Koen going for a swim at the wild beach

Fortunately, we still had a nice afternoon (cloudy yes, but dry). While we walked part of the monkey trail, we heard in the distance howler monkeys. On the trail we found a photogenic capuchin monkey. Then we walked to the nearest ‘wild’ beach 100 m from the hotel. This was an experience in itself because we first had to take a slippery path down to get there. Koen wanted to go for a swim in the sea, in the meantime I was looking for animals (pelicans, iguanas, hermit crabs…). After the swim, we had to walk up the slippery path again. We decided to have another swim in the pool of the hotel which was as good as empty by now. Wonderful !

Crab at the wild beach
Crab at the wild beach

Visit of the Manuel Antonio National Park

Beach at the Manuel Antonio National Park
Beach at the Manuel Antonio National Park

The next morning we discovered how it felt being in a real paradise. The weather was all but rainy, it was incredibly sunny and hot. We were sweating, sweating and sweating. Unfortunately all the stairs that we had to climb in the Manuel Antonio park did not really help.

Iguana at the Manuel Antonio National Park
Iguana at the Manuel Antonio National Park

It was still as beautiful as 10 years ago but now with real hiking trails. It was definitely the best maintained park among all the ones that we had visited during this holiday.

Capuchin Monkeys at Manuel Antonio National Park
Capuchin Monkeys at Manuel Antonio National Park

The beaches were unbelievably beautiful and the critters cute. But we had to be careful with food because 2 tourists had lost their lunch to a fearless raccoon. The capuchin monkeys and racoons, which were all present over the beach, were so incredibly fast! You better ensure that your clothes and other stuff are guarded, otherwise they might be gone by the time you return from your swim.

Racoon at the Manuel Antonio National Park
Racoon at the Manuel Antonio National Park

We hiked in the park for 6 hours, I did not feel my feet anymore. The calories from yesterday’s cocktails were completely gone! If ever in Costa Rica, you should certainly pass here! Paradise exists!

Woodpecker at Manuel Antonio National Park
Woodpecker at Manuel Antonio National Park

Bye bye Costa Rica

During our last day we had a relaxing moment at the pool. We regretted that we had to say goodbye to the wildlife and this beautiful green land. We definitely want to return here one day since there was still more to discover! The Ticos were very friendly people, always good-natured.

Paradise exists. at Manuel Antonio National Park
Paradise exists at Manuel Antonio National Park

Bye bye Costa Rica… see you soon !