Safari at Mashatu Tented Camp

Crossing the border to Mashatu Game Reserve

Our tent at Mashatu Tent Camp
Our tent at Mashatu Tent Camp

On our way to Mashatu Tent Camp

The day started with some ups & downs or better with downs & ups. We had arranged with the accommodation for an early breakfast and lunch box because we had to leave at 7am sharp to be sure to arrive in time at the border post with Botswana. We were scheduled to be picked up at the latest at 1pm by Mashatu Tent Camp.

Surprise… the breakfast package was not ready and the lunch package neither so we only managed to start the car at 7.30am. In principle, it would still be enough time to arrive on time since it would be a drive of around 4,5 hours. At least, that was what we had thought. There were so many road works and deviations that in the end it was not going to be straight forward to be on time. 

Bathroom at Mashatu Tent Camp
Bathroom at Mashatu Tent Camp

We tried to contact the camp to arrange the pick-up a bit later, but it was impossible to reach them… and then there was no reception of the phone signal… Finally we managed to contact our local tour operator who made sure the driver was informed… 

Bee Eater
Bee Eater

We finally arrived just at 1pm. We completed the border administration and we left our car at the parking lot. Then we were on our way to the Mashatu Tent Camp. The road was very bumpy (but what to expect when driving on a sandy road), so we were checking that we still had all our bags… and surprise surprise… we were missing one… So the jeep had to turn around and after a while we found it lying in the middle of the road. Luckily the road was private, because there was not a lot of traffic. The bags were secured again and we were back on or way.

Mashatu Game Reserve
Mashatu Game Reserve

Afternoon Safari

3 Cheetah cubs in Mashatu Game Reserve
3 Cheetah Cubs in Mashatu Game Reserve

We were pleasantly surprised when we arrived at the camp. The tents looked fantastic as did the common area’s. But unfortunately, due to the late arrival, we had no time to enjoy it yet because we had to get ready for our first safari.

Cheetah Cubs enjoying themselves
Cheetah Cubs enjoying themselves

The first game drive was beyond believe… we saw 4 cheetahs, a mother and her 3 cubs. A bit later, we encountered a leopard with a cub that was hidden in a tree. We saw monkeys, moose, giraffes and all kinds of birds (besides the impalas, zebras, kudu , elephants ….).

Leopard at Mashatu Game Reserve
Leopard at Mashatu Game Reserve
Leopard Cub at Mashatu Game Reserve
Leopard Cub at Mashatu Game Reserve

Back at the camp it was time for an apéro and the high tea. This was definitely another standard. The food was so good, super tasty. We already new that this was going to be a perfect stay !

First dinner at the camp
First Dinner at the camp
Dinner at Mashatu
Dinner at Mashatu