Ubud, Monkey Forest

Ubud, the art center of Bali

Ubud Royal Palace
Ubud Royal Palace

Arrival in Bali and on our way to Ubud

Everything went very slowly at Denpasar airport. An hour of immigration and then another 30 minutes before our suitcases fell on the belt. After that, changing money and picking up the wifi router went smoothly. Then we had to find our driver among the other 200 waiting at the exit. We succeeded ! We had to wait for quite some time since he had to pick up his van at the other side of the airport. 

Traffic jam on our way to Ubud, center of art in Bali
Traffic jam on our way to Ubud, center of art in Bali

Finally we were on our way to the hotel. According to our driver it would be more or less an hour but in my opinion it would take at least an hour and a half or 2 hours (and I was right…). But no stress, the holiday has started and we planned to enjoy it to the fullest!

Welcome drink in Maya Ubud Resort & Spa
Welcome drink in Maya Ubud Resort & Spa

After a welcome drink at our hotel ‘Maya Ubud Resort & Spa’, we took a quick shower and at 9pm we had dinner in the hotel restaurant. Due to the long day we were too tired to go to town. The food was simple but delicious. We ate typical Indonesian food: mie goreng, nasi goreng and noodles with beef. To celebrate my birthday, we had ordered Indonesian style sangria with vodka and cinnamon, a weird combination but surprisingly tasty. We were very happy with the hotel, it was definitely a good choice, very spacious rooms that had everything we needed.

Delicious food in the Ubud Maya Resort & Spa Hotel
Delicious food in the Maya Ubud Resort & Spa Hotel

Then off to bed because all four of us were very tired from the long journey.

Our room in the Maya Ubud Resort & Spa hotel
Our room in the Maya Ubud Resort & Spa hotel
View from the balcony of our room
View from the balcony of our room

Discovery of Ubud, the art center

The next morning we started exploring Ubud, the art center of Bali. It was already quite warm in the sun. We first walked past some shops and the local market.

Ubud, center of art, visit of the market
Ubud, center of art, visit of the market

Then a little bit of culture when we visited the Ubud Royal Palace, Puri Saren Agung. The palace was built in the beginning of the 19th century and its architecture and gardens were really beautiful. There was just a shoot for a wedding when we visited, which was great to see.

Visit of the Ubud Royal Market
Visit of the Ubud Royal Palace
Statue at the Ubud Royal Palace
Statue at the Ubud Royal Palace

Our last stop that morning was the monkey forest. It was absolutely true what we had read! It was necessary to be on the lookout for the monkeys because they would snatch sunglasses, jewels or even things out of backpacks in a minute. Luckily we didn’t experience it ourselves, but we witnessed other tourists losing some of their belongings to these cheeky animals. Besides the animals, the forest also contained temples and statues. All in all, it was a very nice visit and we were glad that it had been on our to-do list.

Visit of the Ubud Monkey Forest
Visit of the Ubud Monkey Forest
Balinese long-tailed macaque
Balinese long-tailed macaque
Balinese long-tailed macaque in the Ubud Monkey Forest
Balinese long-tailed macaque in the Ubud Monkey Forest

After lunch and some shopping, we returned to the hotel to enjoy a swim in the beautiful infinity pool. Ubud center was only a distance of 2 km from the hotel but with the shuttle it took about 20 minutes due to traffic. Walking back was a bit too dangerous because there was no space for pedestrians alongside the road. The water of the pool was ice cold, but after a while you did not feel it anymore.

Lemonade with ice cream
Lemonade with ice cream
Pool time at the hotel
Pool time at the hotel
Infinity pool at the Maya Ubud Resort & Spa hotel
Infinity pool at the Maya Ubud Resort & Spa hotel

In the evening we took a taxi to Ubud center to eat in a place that we had spotted on tripadvisor. However, the restaurant (warung) was already completely full which was not a surprise since there were only 4 tables. We started looking for something similar and luckily Koen was able to score a table. Home cooking was on the menu so we did not have a lot of choice: noodles or rice, curries with chicken, fish, tempeh or tofu. We were asked if we wanted a small or a large beer? Euhhh large … When the bottles were served, we first thought it were liters.

The Melting Wok Menu
The Melting Wok Menu
Bintang Beer
Bintang Beer
Curry at the Melting Wok
Curry at the Melting Wok
Pancakes with chocolate sauce for desert
Pancakes with chocolate sauce for desert

My family members always love to eat spicy (the spicier the better !), so I had to laugh when Koen and the kids tried the spicy vegetables, the waiter had to bring a glass of ice water to cool them down.

A stop for yummy paletas in the streets of Ubud
A stop for yummy paletas in the streets of Ubud

All in all a very satisfying full day in Bali… we were already looking forward to the next day when we had booked a cooking class.

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