City of Coimbra

Forest of Bussaco and Coimbra

Forest of Bussaco - 144 steps of the Fonte Fria
Forest of Bussaco – 144 steps of the Fonte Fria

Hiking in the Forest of Bussaco

After breakfast we had set course for Mata do Buçaco or the Forest of Bussaco. Here we planned to do some nice walks before continuing to our destination, Coimbra. 

Palace in the Forest of Bussaco
Palace in the Forest of Bussaco
Forest of Bussaco - Palace
Forest of Bussaco – Palace

There was a lot of parking space available so we were able to leave our car at walking distance from the palace. We caught a glimpse of it, i.e. only the outside, because the building was closed due to the COVID circumstances. The palace was normally a hotel.

One of the entrances of Forest of Bussaco
One of the entrances of the Forest of Bussaco

We first went to the information centre and we bought two maps that showed the different walks in the area. They would turn out to be very useful in the end…

Walk in the Forest of Bussaco
Walk in the Forest of Bussaco

We decided to start with the “Water Walk”. For this hike we had to follow the blue arrows. But as I had read on the internet, the signage along the path was not always fully correct. We had climbed 20 minutes for nothing… And indeed, the maps that we had bought earlier came in very handy. At least they were more truthful than the arrows. But don’t let that put you off. The forest of Bussaco is really worth a stop.

144 steps of the Fonte Fria in the Forest of Bussaco
144 steps of the Fonte Fria in the Forest of Bussaco

We walked down the 144 steps of the Fonte Fria. There was not much water in it but enough to get the idea. It was very picturesque! Probably the most beautiful part of the park. Taking a photo was not so easy. We had to be a little patient since there were other tourists walking up and down the stairs or taking pictures. But after a while, we managed. 

Walk in the Forest of Bussaco
Walk in the Forest of Bussaco

After walking for two hours, we had a coffee with the local specialty pastry… yummieee.

Local specialty pastry
Local specialty pastry

Coimbra, Visit of the University Chapel, Palace & Library

University Square Coimbra - Statue of King Joao III
University Square Coimbra – Statue of King Joao III

Then we drove to Coimbra where we first visited the university chapel, the palace and the library. The square, offering a view of the aforementioned buildings was immense and wonderful! 

Glimps of the newer part of the University Library in Coimbra
Glimps of the newer part of the University Library in Coimbra
Inside of the Palace of the University of Coimbra
Inside of the Palace of the University of Coimbra
University of Coimbra, Palace
University of Coimbra, Palace

Unfortunately we were not allowed to take photos of the incredible beautiful old library, only of the newer part and the prison. Naughty students could be locked up in a cell for a few hours up to 6 months.

Chapel of the University of Coimbra
Chapel of the University of Coimbra
Organ of the University Chapel of Coimbra
Organ of the University Chapel of Coimbra
Chapel of the University of Coimbra
Chapel of the University of Coimbra

After the visits and the heat of thirty degrees, it was time for an ice cream with fruit.

Frozen yogurt food truck
Frozen Yogurt Food Truck
Ice cream in front of the University of Coimbra
Ice cream in front of the University of Coimbra

Quinta das Lagrimas & dinner in the city

Around 4:30 pm we drove to our hotel, Quinta das Lagrimas. Which was a very nice hotel (including a botanical garden).

Quinta das Lagrimas
Quinta das Lagrimas

In the evening we walked back to the city. This was for about 20 minutes, so perfectly doable. We had dinner at Solar do Bacalhau, a restaurant recommended by the hotel. The reception was very friendly and the waiter had a good sense of humor. 

Solar do Bacalhau restaurant
Solar do Bacalhau restaurant

The menu deserved a picture because we were not used to such prices in Belgium.

Apéro menu at Solar do Bacalhau
Apéro menu

We had a mix of tapas followed by a “bacalhau” skewer with scampi as the main course. It was a very dangerous choice because with me pieces of the skewer always ended up on my clothes and this time it was no different. A chance that I had lemon cloth with me (those little cloths that you receive in a restaurant to clean your hands), but the stain on my blouse only partially disappeared. 

Tapas at Solar do Bacalhau
Tapas at Solar do Bacalhau
Bacalhau skewer with scampi
Bacalhau skewer with scampi

The food however, was very good! Dessert? Ah yes of course ! The house dessert, which resembled a ‘crème caramel’. It was super tasty… Luckily we had to walk back to the hotel so we could burn some calories at the same time.

Dessert, Crème Caramel
Dessert, Crème Caramel

Tired but fully satisfied about the beautiful day and the delicious food, we fell asleep.


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