Casa de Mateus, Vila Real

Casa de Mateus, Vila Real & Amarante


Casa de Mateus in Vila Real

Casa de Mateus, Vila Real
Casa de Mateus, Vila Real

On our way to the next wine estate we first visited Casa de Mateus in Vila Real. The baroque palace is depicted on the famous bottles of Mateus Rosé. It took some searching for a parking place. We drove down a street next to the domain where we left the car in a mini-parking (or that was what we thought).

View at the Casa de Mateus from the garden
View at the Casa de Mateus from the garden

Unfortunately there was no English guided tour when we arrived, so we decided to get our best Portuguese out because we absolutely wanted to see the inside of the building. Fortunately, the guide gave us a bit of explanation on the side. The family lives here 3 months a year and for the rest they were staying in Lisbon.

Inside de Casa de Mateus
Inside the Casa de Mateus
Library at the Casa de Mateus
Library at the Casa de Mateus

The garden, which covered 20 hectares, was very beautiful and diverse. According to us really worth a stop if you are in the neighbourhood. There was a picturesque cedar tunnel, a vegetable garden, a rose garden etc…

Vines at the Casa de Mateus, Vila Real
Vines at the Casa de Mateus, Vila Real
Cedar Tunnel at the Casa de Mateus, Vila Real
Cedar Tunnel at the Casa de Mateus, Vila Real
Garden at the Casa de Mateus, Vila Real
Garden at the Casa de Mateus, Vila Real
Flower garden at Casa de Mateus, Vila Real
Flower garden at Casa de Mateus, Vila Real

Medieval Amarante

Medieval Amarante
Medieval Amarante

In the afternoon we set course for the medieval town of Amarante. The town was located in the Minho region, known for the vinho verde wine (semi sparkling). The view of the church from the other side of the Tâmega river gave it a fairytale feeling.

Church at Amarante
Church at Amarante

We did a quick visit of the town and stopped for a drink while tasting the specialty of the area, suckling pig.

Suckling Pig at Amarante
Suckling Pig at Amarante
Amarante streets
Amarante streets

Monverde Hotel

Monverde wine hotel
Monverde wine hotel

The hotel “Monverde” belonged to a wine estate. It looked very promising! The setting was fantastic. Our room, which was very large and beautiful, was located in a building among the vineyards.

Monverde, building with our room on the top floor
Monverde, building with our room on the top floor
Room at the Monverde Hotel
Room at the Monverde Hotel
Our bathroom at the Monverde Hotel
Our bathroom at the Monverde Hotel

Other type of rooms had their private pool (they looked magnificent). Those rooms were quite costly so we decided that since we were going to visit the area, it was not really worth to have our own pool. The one from the hotel was more than sufficient (we were not even sure if we would be able to use it after all). A nice touch when we entered the room was the bottle of bubbles that was awaiting us.

Monverde rooms with a pool
Monverde rooms with a pool
Pool at that Monverde Hotel
Pool at the Monverde Hotel

We decided to eat in the hotel. The main building was very nicely furnished. Before going to diner, we first took an apéro with a view of the vineyards.

View at the vineyards
View at the vineyards
View at the seating area of the Monverde Hotel
View at the seating area of the Monverde Hotel

It was not possible to order the menu because we had to request it a day in advance (so that was the plan for the day after then !). So we chose some dishes à la carte. The food was delicious so it was a real good closure of a great day, we were very happy!

Diner at the Monverde Hotel
Diner at the Monverde Hotel