Last temple day, but first we enjoy a great breakfast at the Viroth’s hotel.

Banteay Samré Temple

When we arrived at Banteay Samré, a Hindu temple built in the mid 12th century, we had it completely to ourselves.

Banteay Srei Temple
Banteay Srei on the other hand was full of tourists as it is one of the most beautiful temples with many details. It is also called the women’s temple or the pink temple. The guards here are monkeys.

Patience is a great virtue because taking pictures without too many people in them is really not easy.

Our driver from Phnom Penh who would also bring us to Battambang the next morning, drove us around. Sothy is a special case, he was so happy that he could drive us around today that the past view days he had been whatsapping me good morning and evening. Sothy was the driver with the two half pineapples under the seats in his car.

Relaxing afternoon
After our visit of the two temples, we decided to spent the end of the morning cool relax by the pool. Then we went for the last time to Tevy’s to eat. The restaurant had become our favourite place for lunch (besides serving great local fresh food at super competitive prices, there was also a story to tell since the family had also been touched by the war).
The Tom Yam soup with shrimp is incredibly tasty (the ginger chicken too). We will miss this place !
I the afternoon we had booked another wellness and then a last dinner in Siem Reap. It was a blissful herbal pressure massage with warm oil, it could have lasted forever. If all the stress isn’t out of my body now, I don’t know.
Last night in Seam Reap
Tonight we walked to Pub street and there was quite a bit of ambiance.

Had read on a blog that Miss Wong was recommended for cocktails and appetisers, so we decided to pas there. The bar was very nicely decorated and there was lounge music. My mojito was very tasty and so was the dim sum (I even forgot to take a picture because of all the enthusiasm).

We decided to stop at a Greek restaurant for souvlaki with fries, probably one of the most Western dinners we had this vacation, but why not ?

We then popped into Hard Rock café to look for a t-shirt (gift for my godchild). The seller in the shop started to speak French to me when I said that we were from ‘Belgium’ … I didn’t understand him at first because I thought that he spoke English. That was very funny.

Then, back to the hotel for packing of our bags.